[Dailydrool] Basset Age

Tim Mayer tcm541 at embarqmail.com
Sat Mar 3 18:56:13 PST 2012

RE: "Mark and I are curious, how old can a Basset get?"


Okay, this one is a little skewed, because Beethoven was half basset, half
shar pei. But that precious boy of mine lived to be 17.5 years old before I
had to let him go.  He was mostly an indoor dog, but had access to the yard
through the dog door most days. 


Here's hoping that a lot more furry friends last that long!


And on another note, my new little Dexter is sure a joy! Earlier he was
walking down the hallway with a computer video adapter cable. I reached for
it, told him to "drop it", and took it away with no struggle, replacing with
a squeaky toy. He plays gentle; no biting, no barking. Later, I went in the
back yard, collected all the toys, and brought them back in the house. He
proceeded, one at a time, to take them back out in the yard <grin>! So cute.
Wonderfully, wonderfully cute. Did I happen to mention I love puppies?


Tim 'n Puppies

Maggie d'Earest, Leia Round and Dexter Dawg

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