[Dailydrool] Slap me silly...

Tim Mayer tcm541 at embarqmail.com
Sun Mar 4 20:16:17 PST 2012

Well, slap me silly and remind me I know better.


I had to run out today to a friends for a computer problem. I figured I'd be
gone an hour or so, and I popped out the door without getting Dexter in the
crate. Ended up this guy had a list of a dozen things, and three computers
with problems. Anyway, I'm sure everyone knows what comes next.


Damage done: new stereo bluetooth headphones mangled. Leather case for MP3
player chewed up (player is okay - the case took all the abuse). Two
ergonomic mouse pads shredded. Foam mattress pad (dog bed) viciously
attacked and missing some good size chunks. Wireless mouse worked over, but
not seriously damaged. Leather covered handle on leather recliner soggy ,
minor teeth marks but no big holes. One remote control mauled but still


Then, even though the doggie door was open, he decided to leave me a present
on the bathroom floor.


At least he didn't get to the digital camera <grin>! All in all, I think I
got off cheap. Oh yeah, I knew better. 


In other news, Mom came by with her PomChi (Pomeranian / Chihuahua mix) to
meet Dexter this morning. My three big bassets just plumb wore that little
fella out! Just another day in the life of Dexter - he loves all the dogs he
meets. He's been playing a lot with Maggie and Leia. So far they all get
along fine, even though Maggie is old and sometimes limps away from the
basset games playing field. I get her up on the couch and settled down, and
let Leia and the demon.errrr.Dexter continue to chase each other around the


Tim 'n Pack

Maggie d'Earest, Leia Round, and Dexter Dawg

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