[Dailydrool] Misspelled breeds names

Riche Churchill buglr at blomand.net
Thu Mar 15 22:59:16 PDT 2012

Unkindest cut of all, even AKC publications have been known to spell 
Basset with two t's. Guess the typist confused it with the furniture makers.

Let's just hope we never get in a war against a country famous for a 
particular breed. Most of you probably are too young to remember of know 
of the cruelties perpetrated on German breeds here (mostly the 
daschsunds, "wiener dogs" -- rather than the much more formidalte 
shepherd and pinschers... but stll, all were recipients as were their 
owners. My father saw it happen to his dog, thank goodness I was too 
young to told. Fortunately, there weren't many Italian dogs here, and 
the yokels of the time wouldn't have reconized them as such, anway. And 
Japanese dogs were virtually unknown to clueless dog people. But I can 
tell you that AFGHAN HOUNDS have been persecuted here........as if a DOG 
had a clue where it came from or about any politics. Stupid people can 
do terrible things.

We may be the greatest nation in the world, but have an awful lot of 
idiots living here.


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