[Dailydrool] Early fixing

Riche Churchill buglr at blomand.net
Mon Feb 18 15:21:23 PST 2013

Think it's impossible to put the blame, cause, root of any problem on 
one specific thing. I've known too many Bassets who grew long-legged or 
were jittery adults or whatever that were not "fixed" until after fully 
mature; sometimes nearly geriatric. "Turned out" or excessively crooked 
front legs is more common than not in dwarf breeds.

Having "papers" is no guarantee of anything. Careless breeders can and 
do produce dogs from specific breeds that will vary wildly from the 
desired look, but even "good" breeders produce dogs that are lacking in 
some regard. Nobody's perfect; there are just too many gene variations 
to contend with. If there weren't, we'd all be beautiful or handsome, 
just the right height and weight, adept at sports, intelligent and 
competent in all fields.


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