[Dailydrool] Basset Wagons

Judy Berryhill jbzmail64 at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 1 17:16:54 PDT 2013

Oh boy, I found a great fold-up wagon at Costco today, it's just the right size and shape for a Basset Body, the sides are tall enough to give support and help keep his balance. It's called the "Folding Wagon", made of tough canvas type material with metal parts and a pull handle that also is collapsable, sells for about $60.00 with tax.

I was feeling down about Archie's arthritis and figured he'd never be able to walk on the beach again, but this wagon is just the ticket for him. He can expend himself on the soft shoreline and then, when he gets too tired, I can pop him into his wagon and keep him with me until I'm ready to leave. It will easily fit in the back of the bassetmobile (Scion XA) when we're ready to go.
I can also use it at the Vet's office or when taking walks in the neighborhood.
The only down side is that is weighs about 25 lbs., but with the pull handle, I only need to lift it into car and then let it down to the ground once I get to where I'm going.

Now, the next part is going to be the real challenge; getting him to accept it and stay in it while I pull him along. Does anyone have experience with this? I will need at least a plan for A,B,C,D,E and may be a few extras :)

Drool to all in need,
Judy and Archie in Fresno (106 degrees and rising)
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