[Dailydrool] Food Bloat

KR1204 at aol.com KR1204 at aol.com
Sat Nov 23 10:18:23 PST 2013

I had to take Jordan to the ER vet last night as she was acting like she  
was bloating. Pacing, head and tail down, round hard belly but no vomiting or 
 retching. I gave her a GasX and walked her for about 20 minutes with no  
improvement.  After they took x rays, the vet said there was no gas but her  
stomach was very full of food. All vital signs were normal and gums were 
pink.  She acted normal when I came home and ate her bowl normally. She 
actually got a  bit less kibble than normal.  Vet asked if she could have gotten 
into a bag  of kibble and I said no as I keep that in a metal trash can with a 
lid in the  garage and bassets don't have access to that room. And she is 
not a thief like  Loki.  You could seen the food on the xray. Vet offered to 
give her pain  and nausea shot and I could take her home and watch her or 
for $1500 she could  spend the night. Opted for the shots and came home where 
she just lay on the  hard floor and didn't even get on a bed although 
eventually she did. This  morning she seemed a little lethargic but ran out the 
door and ate her morning  bowl. She has just been hanging out in the recliner 
but did perk up when she  heard the treat jar rattle. Vet diagnosis was food 
bloat but I am clueless how  she would have gotten any more than what I 
gave her. Both Crackers and Loki  finish their bowls before her so she couldn't 
have stolen from them. I am  thinking maybe a virus because she normally 
follows me around the house but is  staying put today.
Any ideas? And of course, they decide to do this around holidays! Maybe the 
 ER vet has gift certificates I could ask for from my family : )
Kathy with Crackers ( I really did bloat and was saved), Loki and  Jordan
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