[Dailydrool] Part 4-I'm a wild one; I'm a real wild child

Wilder, Sharon Sharon.Wilder at Simonandschuster.com
Fri Sep 13 12:28:44 PDT 2013

After XB and I celebrated our first birthday the blondeslave started looking for a house for us commenting that the condo seemed a bit small since Huggie Bear moved in. I didn't care where we lived as long as I had my slaves and XB. The blondeslave found a house in NY and we moved in December in 10 inches of snow-you had to be there. We had TVs in the living room, family room and the bedrooms. Hee, hee, it wasn't long before I had destroyed all remotes but the one in the bedroom. You see, the dadslave left the living room and family room remotes where I could reach them so I did what every self-respecting OEBE would do and destroyed them. The blondeslave was annoying-she kept putting the other remote on top of the dresser where I couldn't get it. Until one day when the dadslave left it on the bed...you guessed it, I killed it. Boy was the blondeslave mad! Anyway, she went to the cable company and got 1 remote and it was hers. For 2 years she refused to get any more remotes for the dadslave. In addition, I destroyed several pairs of Raybans , you guessed it, the dadslave left them where I could reach them. They make such a lovely crunching sound as you tear them apart. Oh, I remember a really fun day! We had gone for a long weekend in Montauk with the slaves and another couple. One morning they were walking XB and me on the beach. The blondeslave had XB and kept getting further and further ahead of us. The dadslave was walking too slow for me so I slipped my Martingale and went running to catch up with XB. I got about halfway there(mind you, the dadslave is now running after me hollering for me to come back-yeahright) when I saw this man jogging towards me wearing big baggy shorts. Oh what fun! I chased after the running man and kept jumping up and trying to catch hold of his shorts. He's now running faster looking at me over his shoulder with a look of panic on his face. The dadslave is mortified and having changed directions is chasing after me yelling, "Huggie leave it!" and waving my collar at me. The blondeslave handed XB to her friend and is now also chasing after me-ah good times. The dadslave finally manages to get hold of me and get my collar back on with me grinning ear to ear. The poor man just kept running never knowing how close he came to being pantsed-or would it be shorted?

Won't you please vote for Huggie Bear to be part of the Senior Hounds Abound calendar? I will happily buy your votes in exchange for Woofle tickets with all proceeds from the Woofle going to Auntie Wen and the Bounders!     http://www.xandy.moonfruit.com/

***Note address and fax number as of 5/20/2011***
1639 Route 10 East
Suite 200
Parsippany, NJ 07054

Phone: 973-656-6121
Fax:  973-461-4488

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