[Dailydrool] Crackers thanks everyone for the drool

KR1204 at aol.com KR1204 at aol.com
Tue Mar 18 15:15:33 PDT 2014

Once again the drool has done good. Almost as soon as it started flowing,  
he began eating with gusto and became much more active. I did get an xray 
that  showed some arthritis and we are going back on Thurs for another xray as 
he is  still a little wobbly to make certain there are no serious back 
issues. Also  going to have another blood panel done. His personality is back 
and he looks  like he gained back a couple of the pounds he lost. He has been 
sleeping  downstairs for the past month but Sunday I woke up to find him on 
the rug next  to my bed so I am blocking the staircase at night now, just in 
case. He is fine  with it but Loki is miffed as he likes to wander up 
during the night. So  hopefully, all continues well,
Kathy with Crackers, Loki and Jordan(who is smart enough to come up when I  
go to bed and gets me all to herself now.)
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