[Dailydrool] Oboy siteYES we went

Beverly Szaton via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Sun Aug 2 06:48:02 PDT 2015

Oboy dis Conley* Doc dis this Doc is*
Ise very heppy Ise wented
*I walkie I walkie*
*yessir  juss usst yess*

As Ise  sayin  Ise wented
*WE. we went*
WE wented for walkie eerly dis morning an we hooked up to dis nitemare
callt a Spawn
*Sporn. It sa Sporn*
to dis leesh tooferwon, I on wonside an whaddebber he is on da odder only
he no nose how it work an
*Conley slow*
​An Conley----what? what did youse say? I is not slow I is carefully.
Wannta nose what da nose say.
*oh. I thot*
Bleke Dumbo keep yankin an Ise not snuffling nuffin an some peepels come
close an I says RRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr mekem stay away an den an den oh my!
*He see dis Dude*
I sees dis Dude, he a smiling hunk an he talkin to ME not da odder fing
onna leech and he walkin ober to dis dis dis...oh my.. liddel bleke an
krome sportsmobeel type wif  ebberthin and

​*he waggin he tail he pullin an he hate ebberbuddy.*

*MomPerson then she say Conley wanna ride in the liddel bleke car an Dude
laff an say*

*aint nebber gonna happen, doggie*

*Conley grumble alla way home.*

Well ....poop. Ise gone take a nap.

Love an Drool to them whut needs it cept maybe that Dude
*nahh, he too.*

Conley ob momenterry truce
*an doc*

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