[Dailydrool] Mila

Chris via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Sun Jul 12 14:52:36 PDT 2015

We just got Flo a few months ago and she is like Mila she does not want to
be bothered in the day she does not get on the furniture she sleeps most of
the day she awakens when Fuzzy starts telling me it is time to eat or when
it is time for his treats but she basically stays to herself. She does have
a very bad habit though she wakes up in the night and roams the yard we have
a dog door and sometimes at three but most times at four in the morning she
starts barking as she sniffs every blade of grass in our acre yard. She
sniffs and runs and barks and sniffs and runs and barks, the neighbors are
starting to complain so I usually get awakened in the early morning when she
starts outside of our bedroom window and get dressed and have to drag her in
and put the stop in the dog door. I have complaining neighbors and most of
the dogs are quiet they bark in the house when they see a squirrel or a deer
in the front yard or the mail lady but other than that our rescues are
Chris Bly
Jbly1 at kc.rr.com

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