[Dailydrool] Basset names

Kathie Goblirsch via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Tue Mar 24 19:02:12 PDT 2015

We got our first Basset (mix) from the local Humane Society as a pup.  
They had called him Clyde. He was NOT a Clyde --he showed us he was a 
The second Basset (full) was born on a dairy farm (he mooed too) and he 
was obviously Freckles ('cause he had lots of them).
Third pup (Beagle, Basset, Springer Spaniel) was harder. Youngest child 
wanted to name him Maximus Prime -- we finally got him to agree on Canis 
Minor (Little Dog).
The current Basset was a 'talker' from the get-go, so she became Gabby.

Kathie G

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