[Dailydrool] senior hound dental procedures

via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Fri May 22 13:30:30 PDT 2015

Our venerable Basset, Bobo,  has reached his 14th year and we're contemplating 
how advisable it is for him to have dental cleanings where he goes under 
anesthetic. He has had dentals in the past, although his last one was 3 years 
ago. He's very sensitive (read: nippy) about being poked or prodded and won't 
let us or the vet examine his mouth. Do any of you have your very senior dogs go 
under anesthetic for a procedure like a dental cleaning? Apart from being a bit wobbly in 
the rear, he's doing alright health-wise. We just don't want to tempt fate at 
this stage of his life with unnecessary risks; but we know poor dental health is 
a risk as well. Thanks for all the great advice you've given us in the past. The 
Drool is the best Basset resource available! 
Lois Leader, Bobo the Inhaler, Scout his Lab assistant, and Dobby the House Elf. 
lois.leader at cox.net

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