[Dailydrool] ears

Jacquelynn Chazey via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Tue Feb 9 19:50:33 PST 2016

Pierre jr. had horrible ears when I got him.  He was suffering.

We did a lot of treatments, and you can email me off list, jchazey at mac.com,
but what turned him around was a treatment when his Vet tried a packed
agent that stayed in his ears for a couple of weeks.  I don't know the name
of the treatment, but it is in his record, so I can find out if you don't.

Jackie who is in awe of Shelly Gordon, a nine year old basset winner so
many awards when my nine year old is still complaining until she gets a
stop on the couch!!!!
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