[Dailydrool] Big Fight

Dale Rutz via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Mon Mar 7 10:48:09 PST 2016

 Hi all, Snoopy here,
We had a big fight here at our house it was all Gracies fault there was steak, actually it was filet mignon and it was MY cow and I was guarding MY cow and Gracie kept getting in the way and I told her if she did it one I would NAIL her and .... well .... did you ever notice that LuLu and Gracie look a lot alike?  Cause they do they really look a lot alike and in the heat of the moment when I went to jump her I didn't look that close and I jumped her ...... and it was LuLu.
NEVER EVER EVER EVER jump LuLu she means business she is serious ..... plus she bites.  I mean REALLY bites and I don't, I can't and she won't quit until she's got me on my back or got me bleeding so the clueless momPerson grabbed my collar (remember, she's clueless folks) and I was all worked up and didn't want to stop and she put me in a choke on the martingale and I was still screaming when she dragged me to the office and closed me in there.
I came out later and Gracie and LuLu were back in the bedroom and it was no boys allowed.  LuLu wandered out a few hours later and gave me a dirty look and climbed up on the couch next to me and said rude things and offered to kick my butt so I was rude right back and momPerson said we had to be nice so we lay there next to each other and made up.
It's all Gracie's fault she's been acting so weird she starts shaking and trembling and freezes on her walks and paces and panics and it's WEIRD and we told momPerson ASK the drool or ask on facebook or ask you dog friends but nooooooooooo she takes her to the stupid Vetspital and asks them instead because she's CLUELESS.
Hey, hey hey it's Dale here I may be clueless but I don't have to take that .... yes she was acting oddly so I took her to the vet .... turns out she has cataracts and can't see well in the center of her vision and so starting at dusk she looses the ability to see much and thus gets frightened and clingy.  The Vet has her on antianxiety meds an hour before sundown until I can get her into the opthomologyst. which takes a while to get an appointment.
Give me that keyboard back!  Snoopy here.  Don't listen to momPerson, she's clueless and Gracie is weird.  First she was all trembling and scared and now she's flat wasted come sundown.
More later from Snoopy who got his butt kicked by LuLu and it was all Gracie's fault

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