[Dailydrool] Temeral-p

Jennifer Martin via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Fri Aug 11 10:05:26 PDT 2017

Temeral-p is an antihistamine/steroid combo. Beauford and Bugsey always
start their allergy meds with benadryl. It makes Browyn so hyper we can't
stand her, and as most of you know,  we love her dearly. Beauford and
Browyn then add zyrtec. Bugsey adds claratin because zyrtec doesn't do
anything for him. They take these 2x a day as needed. If that isn't enough,
 we add 8 mg of apoquel 1x a day. Then we add temeral-p.  So it is a last
resort for us, but it also keeps us from living in the vet's office. They
also get hypo sensitization shots. This is on top of baths and wet wipes,
chlohexadine wipes and mousse and malacetic wipes. No one ever said having
allergy dogs was cheap or easy! Thank goodness they are sweethearts and
worth the extra work!
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