[Dailydrool] Millie

via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Mon Jul 10 17:38:44 PDT 2017

Many times I have written how well behaved my Millie is, well last week she 
 was not.  That weekend was lovely and a lot of people were having picnics  
in the park by us.  Well the following morning when I took her out for her  
morning walk, we went to the park.  Well she must have remembered that  
there were a lot of people there as she wanted to walk in the park, something  
unusual for her.  She has become a pee and poop and head for home girl, so  
wanting to walk is rare.  Well she started to walk on the grass and she was  
having such a grand time sniffing for goodies that I could not get  her to  
move much al all.  I did not want her to get something that would get her  
sick.  Well, she had different ideas.  She found several good places  to 
remain at and I could not get her to move.  With her arthritis and back  
problems I could not just drag her, so I had to resort to calling and  asking and 
begging  her to come.  I admit that  I did  raise my voice quite a bit, but 
that was not real successful either.  Park  goers must have thought I  was a 
just rotten dog owner, but such is  life.  Eventually with a combo of pulls 
and loud, upset words she  would move, but only to the next tree or bench.  
Once she  even did the lay down basset routine.  Finally after about 30 
minutes we  were able to finish our walk home, Millie feeling quite pleased 
with  herself.  
Douglas Dropp  & Millie with
Pw.'s Charlie & Bennett(ATB)  

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