[Dailydrool] Update from Beauford

Jennifer Martin via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Thu May 11 02:58:12 PDT 2017

Hi everyone! First off we have to start with I caught a rabbit! It was 5:00
in the morning last Monday and I caught a rabbit! I wanted to take it
inside and eat in comfort, but mom saw the furry feet hanging out of my
mouth. So she met me at the door with turkey treats in her gloved hands. I
jumped up on the couch and mom asked if I would trade. That was a big no!
Then she woke the dad up and he said, "Hi Beautiful Beauford!" So I went
and got some loving from the dad and he gave me 3 tiny little jerky treats
and next thing I knew, my rabbit was gone! The dad stomped off to bed and
the mom have me about 4 more turkey treats because losing a rabbit ought to
be worth more than 3 little pieces of turkey jerky.

Then on Wednesday we got to watch the cops do a HUGE drug bust on the house
next door! We got to bark at 4 police cars, 4 unmarked SUVs and a K9 unit.
When mom figured out what was going on she dragged us into the house....and
bathed us! Can you believe that?! Oh well. We really did stink because mom
couldn't bathe us the whole time she couldn't breathe.

I had my annual with Browyn about a month ago. We both were declared
adorable and healthy. They had a new vet tech. Her name is Clark and mom
really likes her and Browyn does too, but I hid from her under the chair
and made them drag me out from under it. I am not real happy about meeting
new people. Meanwhile Browyn the Fairy Princess will expose her belly to
anyone if they will pet it. That is pretty much it on my end.

Beauford with Bugsey and Browyn the Fairy Princess and mom
timandjenmartin at gmail.com
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