[Dailydrool] Another one loving The Drool

Stephanie lilybasset1 at netzero.com
Thu Feb 1 14:48:30 PST 2018

I signed up for the Drool so long ago I can’t even remember when. Nancy and Caruso were running it and it was such a busy, informative group. It’s not so busy anymore but no less informative. There is nothing like a group of people with the same dogs as you to poll for advice when something is not quite right.

I signed up because God had sent me a little stray red and white boy when I was a teenager and didn’t have many friends. This little guy showed up in our yard and literally REFUSED to leave. After a day or two I had fallen hard and lost it so badly when my dad mentioned taking him to the animal shelter. He ended up staying and I named him Corley. He was my absolute best friend - a total spazz, happy about everything and always irritating our Golden Retriever, Rachel.  As a newbie Basset owner the Drool was priceless. I hope that it is like that still for anyone who is new to Bassets. 

We lost Corley to lymphoma three years later and through it all the Droolers were there for me. 

The summer after, we got a little tri color girl. We didn’t know any better about backyard breeders so we went over to pick a puppy out and after a lot of back and forth, the only little girl walked up to me, sat down and stared at me with a disgusted look on her face and barked. It was almost as if she was tired of waiting for us and decided she was picking us instead of the other way around.  Lily lived to be almost 14 and once again, the Drool was a huge help when she was diagnosed with IVDD. 

Now we have little Ellie. She’s a year and a half open tri and I anticipate the Drool to be here through her ups and downs too. You all have already helped in finding her, and with issues she’s been having with her anal glands. Even if the list is slow, it’s still there and that is a comfort to me, knowing this group is here and will share whatever knowledge they have with others. :) 

- Stephanie
Corley (ATB), Lily (ATB), Ellie and Ace the GSP 
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