[Dailydrool] This and That

Jennifer Martin timandjenmartin at gmail.com
Sat Jun 16 06:49:31 PDT 2018

I think most of you have figured out by now that I am not exactly graceful.
I managed to break my left foot. I didn't even notice until I was washing
my feet and when I got to between the 4th and 5th toes, I had quite a bit
of searing pain. As luck would have it, I had an appointment that day with
the podiatrist anyway. Because I damaged three tendons as well, I am in a
boot for 6-8 weeks. All three dogs really needed baths when I did this. I
decided I probably ought to be safe and have them go to the real spa at
least this time. They look and smell great!

Meanwhile, Beauford, Bugsey, and Browyn the evil Fairie are trying to
destroy the garden. Browyn and Bugsey have figured out how to work together
and move the bricks their dad sticks in front of their escape holes. So, we
found new fencing yesterday. With any luck, Tim will get it installed and I
will replant what I can.

Bugsey is doing fantastic on his new kangaroo food. The boy always has a
tendency to be constipated. He is no longer having that problem on the new
food! Beauford is loving his food and Browyn is scarfing down hers. It is
so nice to have everyone happy and doing well!

Jennifer with Beauford, Bugsey, and Browyn the Evil Fairie
timandjenmartin at gmail.com
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