[Dailydrool] From the desk

Beverly Szaton bgszap2 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 22 04:58:17 PDT 2018

Hello I Miss Merta Lou, World Famous Investigative Reporter
has a query.

At the back of the yard is a pole.
On the pole the ShePerson has put a thing that hangs there and does nothing.
Every two days or so she brings it in, washes it, fills it with what looks
to be water that she has cooked on the stove a few days before in the
bottle and hangs it back out on the pole.

Miss Merta Lou's nose says this is not water but has something very sweet
in it like sugar, and so she (I ) hangs around this pole waiting for it to
fall down BUT

There is some kind of sentient being that also hangs around the pole. It is
too big to be a dragonfly. It buzzes like a giant waps. wraps. wasp.  It is
small but fierce and it does NOT LIKE Ms Merta Lou, so she (I ) leave
quickly when it comes to the thing hanging on the pole.

The MotherPerson says it is a Singerbird. No--Hummerbird. Here is my query.
How does the tiny Hummerbird know the bottle is there? Does she smell it
the way I do? Or see it? Or what?

Thank you for your time. Inquiring minds and all that.
Love & Cuddles
Merta Lou, Professional Lady Basset
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