[Dailydrool] Blanca

ddropp at aol.com ddropp at aol.com
Sat Apr 13 17:39:10 PDT 2019

I have found that she is easily distracted.  This afternoon I took her outside to do her business.  The neighbor across the alley had her dog out and she just stared at them.  Told  her to do her business and instead of doing it, she just sat down and continued to stare.  Finally the other dog went in, but then our next door neighbor let their dog out and her attention then focused on that dog.  I finally had to put the leash on her and take her to the side yard where there were no distractions, and she peed.  She also has the habit when we go upstairs, she runs and jumps on my wife's bed and just sits there looking regal and looks at me as if to say "Look at me, I am up here". 

 Douglas Dropp(ddropp at aol.com) and Blanca along
with Millie, Pw. Charlie and Pw. Bennett, all ATB  AOL Desktop
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