[Dailydrool] What a weekend!

Alice H dognpony at ptd.net
Sun Oct 27 13:35:24 PDT 2019

Hi all,
Basset hound, Daisy, bloodhound, Hope, and I spent much of the weekend with bloodhounds and their people training for man trailing. What fun!  
Everyone loved on Daisy so it was very positive for her. Hope is a superstar at trailing; I just have to keep up. Today she ran a trail that was 15 to 16 hours old and found her runner. Learning to read her signals and how scent drifts and pools is amazing. 
I also learned that:
A basset is what you get if you put a bloodie in the dryer. 
A bloodie is what you get when you overfeed a basset. 
And, my favorite, bassets are the gateway drug to bloodhounds. 
Have a good week everyone!
The Jersey Girls,
Alice, Daisy, Hope, Annie, and Candy. 

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