[Dailydrool] From the Desk (or under it)

Beverly Szaton bgszap2 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 29 03:58:18 PDT 2020

My goodness these humans love noise! Well some of them do anyway. The
MotherPerson has been mumbling about something called a "pazoober" or
"boozerker" or or or "Bazooka!" That's it. And how she wishes she had one
for when the fireworks go off every. single. night. I am not sure what she
has in mind but I do not think it would be nice for the people who like the
noise. And every evening when the boomers start the Big Dog hides and
drools and stays right with Her. Unless she goes outside. Then he stays
right by the back door He says the world must be ending. I hope not.
Today She took us outside about 4 in the morning and she went first and
looked at the yard with a flashlight and it was ok so we came out and then
Doc said oh look something is out there! and we both started to run to see
what it was and She Called and Doc who is such a goody four-shoes goes
running back and I was like.,,well...like... and she is calling me and
sounds as if she means it and but in the corner,,, but really she sounds
serious so wellllll ok and I turn and go back to the house and then it
comes out of the brush and it is a striped kitty again MomPerson is very
We got breakfast this morning and she hasn't made us barf it up yet.
Be of good everything.
Love and Cuddles'Merta Lou
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