[Dailydrool] da twofer

BasetSavr5 at aol.com BasetSavr5 at aol.com
Tue Oct 7 15:48:50 PDT 2008

Dis Brudder Elwood. Todey youze all git a twofer. Youze know, two fur da  
price ob one. Two stories frum da brudder cause one kinna run into da odder. See  
Brudder Elwood, he was a gonna ask fur da droolz fur Elder Clara behindz da  
Momma back. She seyz no Elwood, youze can not do dis. Da Brudder explain. See  
Elder Clara gots da bellyache. Da Momma bin a docterin herz, she gotz da  
eyeballz rite on Elder Clara whut tummy be a rummble she do da pukie on da  
floorz whut Daddy clean up, she gotz da gas bombz, an she be a lookin wurse dan  
normalz. Momma sez Elder Clara gittin betterz, but dat cause she ain't down  
herez on da floor where we doggies bee. Dere be like da green fog ob da gas dat  
just a linger and da Brudder he needz one ob dem specul air moochines just to  
get me breath and git me eyeballz back a lookin out da frontz ob da eyeball  
hole.An da Elder Clara attertude be da pittz. She not a gittin da foodz, she  
gittin da juice wif liddel bit ob da rice specks and Elder Clara wif no food 
be  one mean ol woomanz. She a lookin at da brudder legbonez like I gotz hammy 
hockz  and herez she com. Brudder Elwood habbin to bee berry careful, I bee a 
finkin  Elder Clara needz to git in dat moochine wif da Momperson and see whut 
be in  Elder Clara.
Dat bee furst part ob da story.
Otey. So, brudder Elwood keep on a watchin, frum a distance youze see, and  
da Momma she  finkin Elder Clara doin bit betterz, an so she meke sum  specul 
rice fur Elder Clara. Oh it ebbin smellz good, but da Momma seyz Elder  Clara, 
youze git jus liddel bit. Well we all out dere in da foodz room, and da  Momma 
gots da bowl wif da spoon and she gib Elder Clara sum. We all a waitin fur  
our turn wif da food on da spoon. She gib Elder Clara morez on da spoon and we  
git none. Well Brudder Jake he a sittin rite dere next to Elder Clara. Momma 
gib  Elder Clar nudder spoon ob food, but Elder Clara she git excited and 
kinder miss  da foodz hole-now she got bit ob da rice on herz lipz. Well Brudder 
Jake see dis  spec ob da food on Elder Clara face and he reach rite ober dere 
and he grab da  rice speck, but her git Elder Clara lip in him chopperz at da 
same time. Brudder  Elwood, he do da Jump back jack cause it gonna explode rite 
dere, rite now. And  it do. Elder Clara she go affer Brudder Jake an da bit 
ob da rice she be a  wantin back. She push brudder Jake rite to da floor,a 
lookin fur her rice bit.  She gotz him pinned to da floor, she a snarlin rite in 
Brudder Jake face, Momma  hab to git Elder Clara off da Brudder Jake whut now 
gotz da flat bodie from  da Elder Clara smashin. Why da Brudder bee a finkin 
dat be a ribbie bone a  stickin out ob Brudder Jake's snooter. 
So Brudder Elwood hate to admit dis, but da Momma be rite. Now dat biggie  
bone to spit out me chopperz, Momma bee rite Elder Clara gittin better, so we  
sendin da droolz to da houndz and da peepluz in need.
Momperson we thinkin about you and we are waiting for more news on Kathi,  we 
have a card to send-
Debbie  Winchester
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to
Bob, Casey atb,  Elder Clara, Daisy, Jake and
Brudder Elwood OEBE 
Instigator of Evil Deeds  
Virginia Beach Basset Hounds

Go to _www.brudderelwood.com_ (http://www.brudderelwood.com/)  and order 
Brudder  Elwoods Book, Help the rescue hounds today!

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